Equine Massage Therapy
What is Massage Therapy?
Massage is defined as:
The assessment of the soft tissues and joints of the equine body and the treatment and/or prevention of physical dysfunction and pain of the soft tissues, superficial and deep tissue muscles, and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function and/or relieve pain.
A horse may benefit from massage when exhibiting these signs or behaviors.
- Shortening of stride
- Stiffness
- Head tossing
- Bucking and Kicking
- Difficulty with lateral bending
- Refusing to pick up the correct lead
- Showing signs of resistance or refusal
- Tracking unevenly
- Girthing problems
- Sore back
- Head tossing
General Purposes of Massage are:
- Relax or stimulate the nervous system and muscles
- Increase the circulation of blood and/or lymph
- Increase oxygen and nutrients to the tissues
- Increase mobility, flexibility and pliability of the tissues
- Decrease swelling or edema
- Decrease adhesions or scar tissue
- Eliminate Trigger Points (micro-tearing in the muscle causing a hyper irritable focus)
- Improve and maintain the range of motion of joints
- Relieve pain
- Promote symmetry and balance
- Provide the general benefits of touch